Some interesting and unknown facts about facebook.

As we know facebook is most famous and largest social media network today. here are some facts that are interesting to some, unknown by most and will definetely increase the knowledge about the world's larget social media

1. Facebook Like Button :- 
In facebook 'like' button is most often used button we used to our likeness about some specific phptos or any post, But did you know that facbook initially wanted to name it 'Awesome'.
2. The facebook:
Did you know that facebook was initially called as Thefacebook. Mr.Sean Parker helped in buying domain for $200000
3. Mark Zukerberg:
  • Founder of facebook Mark Zukerberg suffers from red-green colorblindness and he sees the colour blue best. that is why blue colour dominates the whole facebook website 
  • Microsoft and AOL tried to recruit Zukerberg when he was in high school, after he created synapse a program that used to learn user's music listning habits.
4.If you type @[4:0] in facebook comment window and hit enter Mark Zukerberg name will appear.
5. There are some evidance that founder mark Zukerbeg stolen many of the ideas and much of the code from connectu. They sued facebook and settled for an undisclosed amount.
6.Yahoo tried to buy facebook in 2006 for $1000,000,000

Now some facts and estimated reports about Facebook

7. In every 13 People on Earth is on Facebook.
8. 71.2 % of all USA internet users are on Facebook.
9. 70% of all facebook users live outsise of the US.
10. About 8,300,000,000 hours are spent on facebook monthly.
11. In 20 Minutes 1,000,000 links are shared on Facebook.
12. In 20 minutes 1,484,000 event invites are posted.
13. In 20 minutes 1,323,000 photos are tagged.
14. In 20 minutes 1,851,000 status updates are entered.
15. In 20 minutes 1.972 million friend requests are accepted.
16. In 20 minutes 2,716,000 photos are uploaded.
17. In 20 minutes 2,716,000 messages are sent.
18. In 20 minutes 10.2 million comments are posted.
19. In 20 minutes 1,587,000 wall posts are written.
20. 750 million photos were uploaded to Facebook over NewYear's weekend.
21. 48% of young Americans said they found out about news through Facebook.
22. 48% of 18 to 34 years old check Facebook right when they wake up.
23. Average user has 130 friends. 16. People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook.
24. Average user is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events.
25. Average user creates 90 pieces of content each month.
26. More than 30 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories,blog posts, notes, photo albums,etc.) shared each month.


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